
OIDC Terraform files

AWS will require the correct OIDC settings depending on your Git provider

The following OIDC tf files have been included, along with associated pipeline setups

  1. Gitlab (CI/CD) gitlab-oidc.tf and .gitlab-ci.yml CI/CD

  2. Github (Github Actions) github-oidc.tf and .github folder with Github Actions

  3. Bitbucket (Pipelines) bitbucket-oidc.tf and bitbucket-pipelines.yml Pipelines

There is some initial bootstrapping involved with Terraform before the pipeline code can takeover the hardwork

Customising the Terraform environment variables

First, open a cli and move into the tf folder

cd /tf

copy the terraform.tfvars.template to terraform.tfvars

cp terraform.tfvars.template terraform.tfvars

this file should stay untracked in your repo via .gitignore, as it will generally have secret or semi-secret information

Intialise Terraform

Ensure terraform has been installed

rename the git repository tf files that are not utilised to -oidc.tf.disabled, however leaving them as-is will not give additonal access without proper variables